Veerayatan conceived as a dream of the great Indian scholar and Saint, Upadhyaya Shri Amar Muniji Maharaj. Inspired by his vision, Acharya Shri Chandanaji nurtured this seed into what is now considered one of India’s leading development organizations.  Established in 1973, Veerayatan is a non-profit, non-governmental organization that strives to uplift and empower humanity through the three jewels of humanitarianism, education and inner development. In its world renowned eye hospital (Netra Mandiram) in Rajgir in the state of Bihar, India, Veerayatan provides most of its services free of charge.

Veerayatan is operating elementary to higher secondary schools in Lachhawad and Pavapuri. It has also established several primary education schools, colleges to pursue advanced education leading to graduate degrees  and vocational training centers throughout the region of Kutch, India.

Veerayatan also operates an inner development center near Pune, India, and conducts personal development courses and workshops in the United States of  America, Canada, U.K. – England, Africa – Kenya, Singapore, Australia, Dubai and Canada. These works shops are offered to all without regard to caste, creed, race, religion or socioeconomic status.

Veerayatan International is recognized as a non-profit  501 (C) (3) organization by the International Revenue Service in the U.S.A.
